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Pultneyville Reformed Church
A community of faith seeking to express, in all of life, the mind of Christ
Reformed Church in America
Pultneyville Reformed Church is a Christian congregation of the Reformed Church in America. We are a biblical, historic congregation and hold to the tenets of all three of the main Ecumenical Creeds (Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian).
Along with the creeds, the Reformed Chruch in America unpacks the most fundamental aspects of our beliefs in our liturgy and four historic documents:​
The Belgic Confession
The Canons of the Synod of Dort
The Heidelberg Catechism
The Belhar Confession
We ordain men and women to three offices: Minister of Word and Sacrament, Elder, and Deacon. Each office has different roles and responsibilities in the local congregation. Our local congregations are bound together in Classes (regional bodies) made up of Ministers and Elders from each congregation. We are a member of Rochester Classis.
For more information, visit RCA.Org
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